Contingent upon your skin quality and the region being dealt with, your specialist may pick one of the procedures portrayed beneath:

Radio Frequency

Radio frequency activity infiltrates beneath the skin’s tissue, warming the treatment zones and empowering collagen creation. You will feel a delicate vibration and additionally cool and warm sensations amid each beat. The top layer of your skin is cooled.


An ultrasound gel is connected to your skin. A smooth handpiece is put on your skin and a picture of the tissue underneath is taken on a screen so your specialist can see the treatment zone. The ultrasound discharges little warm beats to prompt the profound structural layers of the skin without aggravating the skin’s surface.

Intense Pulsed Light ( IPL )

Protective eye gear is given in case your face is treated. A handpiece is utilized to regulate extended cooling while an infrared light warms the profound dermis (deeper layer of your skin).


The area that needs to be treated is first cleaned. A few procedure require a thin layer of ultrasound gel amid the treatment. Depending on the individual’s needs of the patient, condition of the treatment region and on the used gadget, an oral medication is usually given. Any prompt restriction on your daily activities will be fully discussed by your specialist and you will be told when you can resume your normal level of daily activity. You and your caregiver will be briefed in detail about how to take care of the treated zones which would include information regarding potential signs of complications and what type of symptoms you could experience.

When to consider non-surgical skin tightening?

– If you might want a positive change in the character of your skin.

– If you have mild to balanced drooping skin all over, neck, arms or stomach area.

– If you have leftover skin laxity after an operative technique.

– If you can’t endure a more intrusive, surgical treatment to improve skin laxity.

The Good

– May be utilized for all skin sorts.

– A non-obtrusive, non-surgical method that fixes drooping and saggy facial or body skin.

– Performed without any cuts, negligible inconvenience and almost no downtime.

The Bad

– Results are less broad and impressive than those acquired with a facelift or body contouring methods.

– Skin redness, brief swelling or volume loss around the treated range may happen.

– Multiple procedures are normally required for ideal outcomes.

– These are the best three advantages and disadvantages to weigh while considering non-surgical skin tightening in Cypress. On the off chance that you need to concentrate on what is novel to you, please ask your aesthetic plastic surgeon.

The Last Word:

It is prudent that you always keep up a decent association with your aesthetic plastic surgeon. It is imperative that you come for frequent meet-ups with your plastic surgeon at the given times and whenever you feel the need to for safety and desired outcomes. You should not waver to talk your heart out with your specialist when the situation in your mind is not clear regarding the treated part of your skin.

Book your appointment at the best Skin Tightening Specialists in Cypress

Laser skin tightening which is a minimally intrusive treatment to consider in the event that you’d like to tighten sagging loose skin on your face, neck, and body. If you would like skin tightening treatment with no surgery, no downtime and no troublesome recuperation period than Nita Med Spa is the right place for you to get started.

Our patients fly from around the globe to get treated at Nita Med Spa on the grounds that our treatments and procedures produce delightful, non-intrusive outcomes… naturally. Experts at Nita Med Spa won’t utilize forceful, traumatic techniques.

Please contact Nita Med Spa by booking your appointment or simply call
281 370 0070 for free skin tightening counseling.