Smooth, flawless skin is everyone’s dream. And we are always ready to try new products in order to get best results. One thing that we somehow forget, is that it’s not what our skin needs. In fact, every skin is different from the other and whatever happens with it goes beyond external factors. Genetics, hormones and internal disorders can also play a huge role. So first you have to classify your skin type.

Skin Type

Knowing your skin type is important because skincare products are formulated specifically for different skin types.

So if your skin feels tight after washing or you feel the need to moisturize it more often, it means that your skin is dry.

If you find your chin, nose, and forehead oilier than the rest of your skin when you wake up, chances are, you have combination skin.

If your skin is more prone to acne, feels greasy even after washing, it is an indication that you have oily skin.

Skincare Routine

Now that you have assessed your skin type, you can now choose your skincare regimen more easily and correctly.


This is the first step. Choose a cleanser suitable for your skin and cleanse your skin with it twice a day. Preferably at the start of the day and at night before going to bed. In the morning, use it to wash your face for a cleaned and freshened up look and at night, use it to get rid of all the makeup, residue, and dirt.


Toner balances your skin. It not only keeps your pores tight and cleansed but it also helps in reducing irritation, acne, and redness. Again, it is important to choose a toner that is suitable for your skin type.


Serums provide nourishment to your skin. And they should be applied after toners. Serums are different for different skins, concerns and it is specified at the label at which time they should be applied so make sure you keep all that in mind.


Our skin loses more moisture than you can possibly imagine which is why it’s vital to keep it moisturized. An important reminder in this regard is that oily skin doesn’t need much of a moisturization during day time or if required only water-based moisturizers should be applied. However, at night all skin types require moisturizers. So choose your moisturizer accordingly.


The sun may be our friend but the UV rays are not. Always wear sunscreen before going out, even if your skin is not entirely exposed to the sun. The UV rays are potent enough to create damage to your skin in the form of dark spots, redness, and fine lines. So ensure that you keep your skin protected whenever you step out of the home.