Chemical peels offer numerous benefits for your skin. Just as the name suggests, it peels away dead layers of skin to reveal healthy, clean, and flawless skin beneath. The chemicals mostly used in these treatments include salicylic acid, glycolic acid, mandelic acid, and trichloroacetic acid. Your aesthetician will determine which chemical is to be used after evaluating your skin and your specific needs. But in today’s article, we are not going to talk about what is a chemical peel as you’re already familiar with it.

We understand that going through a new treatment can be intimidating and fearful, which is why we’ll talk about the things that you can expect after a chemical peel.

Common Side Effects

After a chemical peel, a tingling sensation, itching, redness, mild swelling, dryness, and irritation are common. But keep in mind that they are temporary. In two to three days, you might even notice discoloration, dark skin, and breakouts but those are the signs that the peel is working. In seven to 14 days, your skin will be done with the peeling completely and you’ll notice healthy, glowing skin.


Yes, you knew it was gonna happen. In 4 to 5 days, your skin’s top layers will peel away. This is how you’ll get rid of all the imperfections. When you see your skin get flaky, be gentle with it. Do not try to pull them away, cleanse them with a mild cleanser and let the skin take care of the peeling on its own.

Pay Attention To Your Skin

While your skin is recovering after a peel, pay attention to the changes in your skin. If you notice anything unusual or something that doesn’t match what your aesthetician told you to expect, immediately contact your aesthetician and inform them. You can even schedule a follow-up visit just to ensure everything is going as planned.

Go Easy On Cosmetics

Our skin takes time with the peeling process and messing it up with applying topical creams, serums, and makeup can do more harm to the skin than good. So avoid them in the first couple of weeks.

Don’t Forget Sunscreen

Sunscreen is essential. Period. But after a peel, your skin is more prone to get damaged by the UV rays. This is why you must apply sunscreen twice a day, even if you’re going to stay indoors.

When going outdoors immediately after a chemical peel treatment, always wear physical sun protection like a hat, a scarf, or an umbrella. The UVA and UVB rays are harmful and they are more dangerous for your skin right after a peel. So, our advice, stay indoors after a peel, at least for a week if possible.

Avoid Overexertion & Higher Temperatures

Right after a peel, your skin is pretty sensitive. Heat and sweat are both damaging to it. Try not to go outside in broad daylight as temperatures are normally high during noon.

Similarly, strenuous exercise or other high-intensity physical activities can make you break a sweat. So, avoid them for a week or two after the treatment.

Be Patient & Realistic

Results take time and it’s not realistic to wish for a makeover in a session or two. According to our experts at Nita Med Spa, patients might need two to three sessions to see visible results. It all depends on your individual skin type and skin concern.

Moreover, your skin will recover at its own pace, you can’t accelerate the healing process by getting impatient.

If you are thinking about getting a chemical peel and still have your reservations, here’s what you can do. You can book your appointment with our certified aestheticians and have a one-on-one consultation. The best part, we have our special offers through which you can avail great discounts on our most popular treatments including chemical peels. To check out our deals, hit the link below.

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