Toe Nail Fungus is hard to treat sometimes. When topical Medications don’t work and taking internal medicine is dangerous over a long period of time. Laser treatments are an alternative. The Laser works by heating up the nail bed and killing the fungus which lies underneath. Usually we start with two treatments 6 weeks apart.
Is the treatment comfortable?
As the nail bed heats up the laser can become uncomfortable. We need to keep heat in the nail bed to kill the fungus. We pulse over the nail and when it gets hot, we move to the next nail.
How long is the treatment?
The treatment takes no more than 5 to 10 minutes. There is no discomfort or pain after the treatment.
How long does it take to see a normal nail bed?
It can take up to 6 months for a normal nail bed to grow out. Improvement can be seen even after the first treatment.
How do I avoid more fungus?
Wash sheets, shoes, socks with bleach water. It is best to avoid dirty nail salons. If feet sweat, use cornstarch in shoes and socks and wash more often.