How Much Does BOTOX Cost?

BOTOX and fillers are the hottest trends in the cosmetic industry yet most people don’t know a lot about them. There are speculations about the treatment, its effects, and the cost. However, we believe that for treatment of such significance, having little to no knowledge is unfair to our readers. Therefore, today we are going to dive deep into the topic of BOTOX and answer all your questions, including the most frequently asked, how much does BOTOX cost?

How Does BOTOX Work?

BOTOX is a prescription injectable medicine extracted from Botulinum toxin. It is a neurotoxin that temporarily paralyzes a muscle into which it is injected.

BOTOX fillers are used to reduce frown lines, wrinkles, laugh lines, and crow’s feet, and to improve sagging skin on the neck, cheeks, eyelids, and jawline.

BOTOX effects last anywhere between 6 months to 2 years. However, the lasting time depends on the type of chemical in the filler.

How Much Does BOTOX Cost?

Contrary to popular belief, BOTOX is among the more affordable anti-aging treatments. The average BOTOX cost ranges from $300 to $500. But understanding BOTOX cost is not that simple!

BOTOX pricing is calculated on a per-unit basis. On average, one unit of BOTOX is priced at $20. Now, here’s the thing, how many units you need rely on several factors. For example, if you are looking to correct your frown lines, you might need 20 units and your BOTOX cost will be around $400. But if you aim to use it for jaw slimming or neck lift, you’ll need more units and your bill would probably cross a thousand bucks.

Another thing that you need to consider while preparing for BOTOX is your aesthetician’s fee. A certified aesthetician is professionally trained to administer fillers. Not only can they prescribe how many units you’d need, but they can also suggest the right product for the area that is to be treated. At Nita Med Spa, our BOTOX and fillers are administered by our certified experts. With their hands-on experience, they can help you choose the best anti-aging fillers.

Most Common BOTOX Prices

Below are the prices for the most common areas injected with BOTOX.


The price for a BOTOX brow lift ranges from $400-$650


Jaw slimming via BOTOX costs around $800-$1200


Want a neck lift with BOTOX? You might have to pay anywhere between $800-$950


If you don’t like a hollow chin, you can improve its look for $250-$350

Price Range Of Other Fillers

New fillers are introduced into the market every day. Some of these are even inserted into the targeted muscle via special needles. These blunt-tip needles are known as a cannula. They are finer and therefore, allow the product to penetrate deeper and quicker into the muscle.

The under-eye fillers are inserted using the cannula technique available for both short-term and long-term results. The price for under-eye fillers starts from $800 and goes as high as $1200.

Tacking is another anti-aging filler treatment which is restoring bone loss in the cheek area. The price for tacking starts from $800 and goes to $1500.

Blanching is another filler treatment inserted using the cannula technique. Blanching reduces fine lines and wrinkles without making the area puffy and swollen. The price for these fillers ranges from a thousand bucks to fourteen hundred dollars. Lastly, the calcium jowl lift. It is another cannula technique filler priced around $2200 to $2500. This filler is used to restore the jawline and lift jowls.

Is It Safe To Go With The Cheapest?

Well, of course, you’d want to save on the costs because you simply can’t step out of your budget. But, the best way to ensure you get the right treatment within your budget is by choosing the right experts.

At Nita Med Spa, our aestheticians will listen to your requirements and pick the best suitable BOTOX plan for you. To learn more, contact us today!

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