Have you ever experienced a feeling where nature stops looking beautiful? Well, that occurs only when
you, yourself are not looking pretty enough. Just like when you are getting ready for a spring party and
you gaze upon your unwanted hair. If you want to get rid of the tiring job of shaving, waxing and
threading, it’ your turn to invest in a long term plan, Laser Hair Removal.
Laser Hair removal is by far the most effective solution for unwanted hair. At Nita Med Spa, we want you
to understand why Laser Hair Removal is the best option for all you beautiful ladies out there.

What is Laser
Laser technology has been in use for hair removal for the past several decades. But with our ultra high
precision technology, our laser hair removal system targets the hair follicles carefully avoiding any
damage to surrounding tissues. The hair follicles absorb the heat from flashes of laser light, heat
destroys them and they are flushed out of the body through the natural lymphatic system.

Why Before Summer?
Well, because we don’t want you to miss any beach party or cocktail evening just because of your ugly,
unwanted hair. Moreover, every laser session has its own crucial timing. The sessions must be at least 4
weeks apart. And if you start early, your sessions can be completed before summer, meaning you can
show off your beautiful self just the way you have been planning to.

Hair, But Where?

Even on the sensitive areas like bikini line, underarms, and face, we have had seen marvelous results at
our spa. Clients have enjoyed smooth, hairless skin for years. And so can you.

But What About Money?
Yes, that is a concern really. But not for you, you are the lucky one who can avail our Laser Hair Removal
for just $999 and that too from Head to toe with 6 sessions. Now that’s an offer you shouldn’t ignore.

Don’t miss your chance to embrace the beauty
Book your appointment today and hurry up, this is a limited time offer!